
General terms and conditions of business

1. Scope

The following terms and conditions apply to all orders placed via our online shop by consumers and entrepreneurs.

A consumer is any natural person who concludes a legal transaction for purposes that cannot be attributed predominantly to their commercial or independent professional activity. An entrepreneur is a natural or legal person or a partnership with legal capacity who, when concluding a legal transaction, acts in the exercise of their commercial or independent professional activity.

These terms and conditions also apply to future business relationships with entrepreneurs without us having to refer to them again. If the entrepreneur uses conflicting or supplementary general terms and conditions, their validity is hereby contradicted; they will only become part of the contract if we have expressly agreed to this.

2. Conclusion of contract, price

The customer's order represents a binding offer from the customer to Isi Coffee to conclude a purchase contract, which Isi Coffee can accept at its own discretion within 4 weeks of receipt of the offer. After placing an order with Isi Coffee, the customer receives an email confirming receipt of the order and listing its details (order confirmation). This order confirmation does not constitute acceptance of the offer, but merely an information email. A purchase contract is only concluded when Isi Coffee sends the ordered product to the customer. Any right of cancellation by the customer remains unaffected. The prices and delivery conditions listed on the Isi Coffee website at the time the customer places the order are binding for Isi Coffee. However, in the event of typographical, printing or calculation errors, Isi Coffee is entitled to withdraw from the contract.

All prices include VAT at the applicable statutory rate. Isi Coffee does not offer any products for purchase by minors.

3. Contract language, contract text storage

The language available for concluding the contract is German.

We save the contract text and send you the order data and our general terms and conditions by email. You can view the contract text in our customer login.

4. Delivery conditions

In addition to the stated product prices, shipping costs are also added. You can find out more about the shipping costs in the shipping conditions.

We only deliver by post. Unfortunately, it is not possible to collect the goods yourself.

We do not deliver to packing stations.

5. Payment

Payment in advance

If you choose to pay in advance, we will send you our bank details in a separate email and deliver the goods after receipt of payment.

Please make payments to our following bank account:

Isi Coffee
Sparkasse Jena-Saale Holzland
IBAN: DE02 8305 3030 0018 0625 55

Credit card

When you place your order, you also send us your credit card details.

After you have been identified as the legitimate cardholder, we will ask your credit card company to initiate the payment transaction immediately after placing your order. The payment transaction will be carried out automatically by the credit card company and your card will be charged.


During the ordering process, you will be redirected to the website of the online provider PayPal. In order to pay the invoice amount via PayPal, you must be registered there or register first, authenticate yourself with your access data and confirm the payment instruction to us. After placing the order in the shop, we ask PayPal to initiate the payment transaction.

The payment transaction will be carried out automatically by PayPal immediately afterwards. You will receive further information during the ordering process.

SOFORT direct transfer procedure

After placing your order, you will be redirected to the website of the online provider SOFORT Überweisung. In order to pay the invoice amount via SOFORT Überweisung, you must have an online banking account with PIN/TAN procedure that is activated for participation in SOFORT Überweisung, identify yourself accordingly and confirm the payment instruction to us. You will receive further information during the ordering process. The payment transaction will be carried out immediately afterwards by SOFORT Überweisung and your account will be debited.

Google Pay
In order to pay the invoice amount via the payment service provider Google Ireland Ltd., Gordon House, Barrow Street, Dublin 4, Ireland ("Google"), you must be registered with Google, have activated the Google Pay function, identify yourself with your access data and confirm the payment instruction. The payment transaction will be carried out immediately after the order has been placed. You will receive further information during the ordering process.

Apple Pay
In order to pay the invoice amount via the payment service provider Apple Inc., One Apple Park Way, Cupertino, CA 95014, USA ("Apple"), you must use the "Safari" browser, be registered with Apple, have activated the Apple Pay function, authenticate yourself with your login data and confirm the payment instruction. The payment transaction will be carried out immediately after the order has been placed. You will receive further information during the ordering process.

Amazon Pay
In order to pay the invoice amount via the payment service provider Amazon Payments Europe SCA 38 avenue JF Kennedy, L-1855 Luxembourg ("Amazon"), you must be registered with Amazon, identify yourself with your access data and confirm the payment order. The payment transaction will be carried out within one banking day after the order has been placed. A banking day is every working day with the exception of Saturdays, federal public holidays and December 24th and 31st of each year. You will receive further information during the ordering process.

6. Retention of title

The goods remain our property until full payment.

The following also applies to entrepreneurs: We retain title to the goods until all claims from an ongoing business relationship have been settled in full. You may resell the reserved goods in the ordinary course of business; you assign to us in advance all claims arising from this resale in the amount of the invoice amount - regardless of whether the reserved goods are combined or mixed with a new item - and we accept this assignment. You remain authorized to collect the claims, but we may also collect claims ourselves if you do not meet your payment obligations.

7. Transport damage

The following applies to consumers:

If goods are delivered with obvious transport damage, please complain about such errors to the deliverer as soon as possible and contact us immediately. Failure to complain or contact us has no consequences for your legal claims and their enforcement, in particular your warranty rights. However, you will help us to assert our own claims against the freight carrier or transport insurance.

The following applies to entrepreneurs:

The risk of accidental loss and accidental deterioration passes to you as soon as we have delivered the item to the forwarding agent, the carrier or the other person or institution designated to carry out the shipment. Among merchants, the obligation to inspect and give notice of defects as set out in Section 377 of the German Commercial Code applies. If you fail to give notice as set out there, the goods are deemed to have been approved, unless the defect was not apparent during the inspection. This does not apply if we have fraudulently concealed a defect.

8. Warranty and guarantees

The statutory liability for defects applies. Information on any additional guarantees that may apply and their exact conditions can be found on the product and on special information pages in the online shop.

9. Liability for defects

If there is a defect in the purchased item, Isi Coffee is liable in accordance with the statutory provisions, unless otherwise provided below. The assignment of these claims by the purchaser is excluded.

Unless otherwise provided below, other claims by the customer - regardless of the legal basis - are excluded. In particular, Isi Coffee is not liable for damage that did not occur on the delivery item itself (consequential damage). Isi Coffee is also not liable for lost profits or other financial losses suffered by the customer. This also applies to the personal liability of employees, representatives and vicarious agents if Isi Coffee's liability is excluded or limited.

The above limitation of liability does not apply if the cause of the damage is based on intent, gross negligence, the violation of a material contractual obligation or in the event of injury to the life, body or health of the customer. It also does not apply if the customer asserts statutory claims independent of fault (e.g. in accordance with the Product Liability Act). If Isi Coffee negligently violates a material contractual obligation, Isi Coffee's liability for material damage is limited to the damage typically incurred.

The European Commission provides a platform for online dispute resolution (ODR), which you can find at .

We are neither obliged nor willing to participate in a dispute resolution procedure before a consumer arbitration board.

11. Final provisions

If you are an entrepreneur, German law applies, excluding the UN Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods.

If you are a merchant within the meaning of the German Commercial Code (HGB), a legal entity under public law or a special fund under public law, the exclusive place of jurisdiction for all disputes arising from contractual relationships between you and us is our place of business.